You should get your 1095-A form by mail no later than mid-February. It may be available in your Marketplace account as soon as mid-January. Once you have it, follow the steps below.
You must file a federal tax return for 2023 — even if you usually don't file or your income is below the
level requiring you to.The minimum amount (or threshold) of income requiring you to file a federal tax return. 2023 filing requirements for most taxpayers: Gross income of at least $13,850 (individuals) or $27,700 (married filing jointly). Different thresholds apply for dependents, people 65 and older, and those who use other tax filing statuses (like married filing separately).
Refer to glossary for more details.
The second-lowest priced Marketplace health insurance plan in the Silver category that applies to you. It may not be the plan you enrolled in. You need to know your second lowest cost Silver plan (SLCSP) premium to figure out your final premium tax credit. In most cases, you’ll find your SLCSP premium on Form 1095-A. Refer to glossary for more details.
How you find out if you used the right amount of premium tax credit during the year. To reconcile, you compare two amounts: the premium tax credit you used in advance during the year; and the amount of tax credit you qualify for based on your final income. You’ll use IRS Form 8962 to do this. If you used more premium tax credit than you qualify for, you’ll pay the difference with your federal taxes. If you used less, you’ll get the difference as a credit. Refer to glossary for more details.
If you had a Marketplace plan with the premium tax credit for only part of 2023, or other household members had different coverage, select the other coverage: